Amici Coro is an amateur choir and the two most important attributes of its singers are a love for singing and striving for the highest possible standards in all the music that we perform. We aim to work hard and enjoy ourselves, and whilst rules and regulations may seem rather formal, the following guidelines outline the principles by which we aim to make music together:
Amici Coro is a chamber choir and the size, distribution and quality of the voices will be carefully monitored by the Director of Music to ensure a good musical balance
All singers of the choir are subject to the acceptance of the Director of Music
All singers attending an event must learn the music for the weekend/service/residency prior to arriving
All singers are required to attend rehearsals at the event site at the time set by the Director of Music
Amici Coro is an amateur choir which performs to a high standard. The musical requirements of its singers reflect this, and whilst singers are not expected to be of a professional standard, we are looking for the following qualities:
Dedication, commitment and a love of singing
An ability to blend with other singers
An ability to sight-read to a reasonable standard
Singers are charged a fee per event to cover the cost of hiring music, fees for organists and the Director of Music, the Organist and any reasonable costs incurred by the Director of Music or members of the committee. The fees are split into cost per service and are only recoverable for the amount of services which a singer attends.
All singers are expected to make their own transport provisions for rehearsals and events.
The music for each event is chosen by the Director of Music and digital copies will be provided in advance of each event. Hard copies will be available for every member at the venue. Singers are free to use their own copies, including digital versions, so long as the editions match up. The use of a tablet and digital scores is encouraged.
Venues and dates
We aim to sing Evensong on a Saturday or a weekend residency in an English Cathedral every 2-3 months.
A full week's residency at a Cathedral is usually planned for August.
Additional concerts or other services are planned as appropriate.
The committee aim to publish the dates of each event well in advance
to enable as full an attendance from singers as possible.