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2ND - 3RD JUNE 2018

Music List
Saturday 2nd June: Choral Evensong
Responses: Smith
Psalm: 12, 13 & 14
Canticles: Watson, Evening Service in E
Anthem: Stainer, I saw the Lord
Sunday 3rd June: Choral Eucharist
Psalm: 81 v1-11
Setting: Darke, Communion Service in F
Anthem: Friedell, Draw us in the Spirit’s tether
Choral Matins
Responses: Smith
Venite: Psalm 95
Psalm: 32
Canticles: Ireland, Morning Canticles in F
Anthem: Tchaikovsky, Hymn to the Trinity
Choral Evensong
Responses: Smith
Psalm: 35 v1-10
Canticles: Stanford, Evening Service in A
Anthem: Gowland, O divine love
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